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November 19, 2021
Legislative Update: Build Back Better
On Nov. 3, 2021, following the Oct. 28, 2021, release of the negotiated Build Back Better plan, the…
Legislative Update: Build Back Better Read More
November 5, 2021
Tax Reform: New Legislative Language Released
Tax reform in 2021 continues to be a wild ride. Additional language was released on November 3. According to Finseca, the 2135-page legislation makes several…
Tax Reform: New Legislative Language Released Read More
October 5, 2021
Preparing the Next Generation has Never Been More Important - Introducing HORAN NextGen
Lately much is written on the ongoing uncertainty regarding whether a 2021 tax reform bill will significantly change the law of wealth transfer taxation…
Preparing the Next Generation has Never Been More Important - Introducing HORAN NextGen Read More
July 26, 2021
Proposed Tax Reform: "Deemed Realization" Explained
Tax reform continues to be a moving target as we enter into the second half of 2021. Estate planners across the country are attempting to extrapolate likely…
Proposed Tax Reform: "Deemed Realization" Explained Read More
April 20, 2021
Six High Net Worth Planning Techniques to Increase Plan Flexibility in 2021
Estate planners across the country are attempting to read the tea leaves of the current political climate. While no one is quite certain what to expect, the…
Six High Net Worth Planning Techniques to Increase Plan Flexibility in 2021 Read More
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