Retirement Plan

Businesses | Retirement Plan Consulting

We understand the crucial need for a well-managed retirement plan that helps employees build a secure future. Our team of retirement planning professionals provide insights rooted in industry best practices at every stage, from plan design to ongoing plan participant education and engagement.  

Whether implementing plans to boost employee savings or providing personalized advisory services for those nearing retirement, HORAN Wealth's team is with you every step of the way.   

As advisors, our role is clear—we collaborate with your committee, plan participants, and chosen recordkeeper to create and maintain a plan that aligns with your workplace culture.

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A Holistic Approach to Retirement Plan Consulting

Structured for Your Success

When you become a HORAN Wealth client, you gain more than just a relationship with your Wealth Advisor — you access the collective knowledge and experience of our entire company. Your investment strategy is developed by professionals who go the extra mile to tailor the approach to your needs.

Strategic Plan Design

Plan design is the intersection of your corporate culture and your budget—balancing plan features to meet the needs of your participants while aligning with your financial goals. 

Investment Oversight

We use both qualitative and quantitative approaches to retirement planning, helping you monitor and manage your plan’s investment portfolio and engage with all employees, regardless of age or income.

Fiduciary Best Practices

HORAN Wealth helps alleviate your compliance concerns by working with you to identify key areas of risk through our In-Depth Risk Assessment report and by strengthening your protection with fiduciary best practices. Click here for a complimentary retirement plan risk assessment.

Employee Engagement

By engaging your plan participants throughout their retirement journey, HORAN Wealth is uniquely positioned to support them every step of the way. From remote resources to personalized one-on-one consultations, we strive to promote retirement readiness for individuals of all ages and income levels.

Fee Transparency

As a fiduciary, your role is to ensure that your participants receive the best value from your advisor, not just a low-cost solution. HORAN Wealth's commitment to fee transparency and fee levelization ensures that the value we provide is clear and that no segment of your participant population bears an excessive share of the cost. 

HORAN Wealth Can
Review Your
Retirement Plans
for Audit Preparedness

We are committed to helping employers understand and fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities. Please click the link below if you are interested in a complimentary retirement plan risk assessment.

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Executive Benefits

We enhance the recruitment and retention of top-tier professionals through executive benefits, retention strategies, and incentive programs.


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