HORAN is a NAPA Top DC Advisor Team

Insights | HORAN is a NAPA Top DC Advisor Team
NAPA Top DC Advisors Teams 2020

As one of 10 firms in the state of Ohio with this designation, HORAN is proud to be a NAPA Top DC Advisor Team.

"The NAPA Top DC Advisor Team list highlights the nation’s leading retirement plan advisor firms. Sure, we know it’s not just about the numbers – but the reality is that NAPA members are having a huge impact every single day, not just on the quality of retirement plan advice, but also in building a more financially secure retirement for millions of Americans. Unlike other lists, this focuses on teams, broadly defined as being in a single physical location, and having at least $100 million in DC assets under advisement. It is based on self-reported assets under advisement as of December 31, 2020, unless otherwise noted."

To view the full list of NAPA Top DC Advisor Teams, click here.

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