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November 19, 2021
Legislative Update: Build Back Better
On Nov. 3, 2021, following the Oct. 28, 2021, release of the negotiated Build Back Better plan, the…
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November 17, 2021
Inflation Contributes To Higher October Retail Sales
Wednesday's October retail sales report showed a strong retail sales increase, month over month (MoM) of 1.7% and a year over year (YoY) increase of 16.3%…
Inflation Contributes To Higher October Retail Sales Read More
November 13, 2021
Inflation Dents Consumer Sentiment
This past week saw inflation reported at a very hot level, up .9% month over month and 6.2% year over year. If this monthly rate is annualized, the Consumer…
Inflation Dents Consumer Sentiment Read More
November 7, 2021
A Mixed Labor Market Report
Last Friday's Nonfarm Payrolls was reported at 531,000, better than expectations of 450,000 and the prior report for nonfarm payrolls was revised higher to 312…
A Mixed Labor Market Report Read More
November 5, 2021
Tax Reform: New Legislative Language Released
Tax reform in 2021 continues to be a wild ride. Additional language was released on November 3. According to Finseca, the 2135-page legislation makes several…
Tax Reform: New Legislative Language Released Read More
October 31, 2021
Dow Dogs Lagging Broader Market Since First Quarter
The Dogs of the Dow investment strategy jumped out to a fast start during the first quarter, outperforming both the S&P 500 Index and the Dow Jones Industrial…
Dow Dogs Lagging Broader Market Since First Quarter Read More
October 28, 2021
A Weak GDP Report For Q3 2021
Thursday's GDP report provided some support to our post earlier this week noting economic growth stalled in the third quarter. There are a number of inputs…
A Weak GDP Report For Q3 2021 Read More
October 28, 2021
The "Neal Proposal": Proposed Legislation and Action Items
Released on Sept. 13, 2021, the "Neal Proposal" to the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means…
The "Neal Proposal": Proposed Legislation and Action Items Read More
October 28, 2021
Wealth Transfer Under the Biden Tax Plan
President Joe Biden is proposing to eliminate "stepped-up basis" on property transferred at death…
Wealth Transfer Under the Biden Tax Plan Read More
October 28, 2021
Proposed Legislative Changes Would Impact Use of ILITs in Estate Planning
This paper discusses proposed legislation that would impact current life insurance and estate…
Proposed Legislative Changes Would Impact Use of ILITs in Estate Planning Read More
October 27, 2021
An Economy Nearing Stall Speed In Q3 2021
Thursday morning, October 28, 2021, the Bureau of Economic Analysis will report the Advanced reading on third quarter GDP or economic growth. At the beginning…
An Economy Nearing Stall Speed In Q3 2021 Read More
October 24, 2021
Seasonally Positive Period For The Equity Market
The S&P 500 Index is on pace to finish 2021 with strong performance, up 22.39% so far in 2021. This year follows strong returns in 2019 and 2020, up 31.49% and…
Seasonally Positive Period For The Equity Market Read More
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