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May 19, 2021
Protect Your Business — What You’ve Worked So Hard to Build
Your business is your livelihood. That's why it's important to protect it from an unexpected…
Protect Your Business — What You’ve Worked So Hard to Build Read More
May 19, 2021
The 6 Biggest Life Insurance Myths About COVID, Cost and Coverage
Life insurance may not be as expensive as you think. Learn the truth behind COVID impact, coverage…
The 6 Biggest Life Insurance Myths About COVID, Cost and Coverage Read More
May 11, 2021
Firms Unable To Fill Job Openings
In both the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey and the NFIB Small Business Optimism reports released this morning, it is clear that companies are having a…
Firms Unable To Fill Job Openings Read More
May 4, 2021
Style And Asset Class Rotation Is Taking Place
For nearly three trading weeks the S&P 500 Index has traded mostly sideways, somewhat expected after the fast start to 2021, i.e., the S&P 500 Index up over 11…
Style And Asset Class Rotation Is Taking Place Read More
May 1, 2021
Personal Income and Savings Increasing Too
Author: David Templeton, CFA, Principal and Portfolio Manager Last week I noted the sharp rise…
Personal Income and Savings Increasing Too Read More
April 28, 2021
Consumer Confidence Rises Sharply In April
Author: David Templeton, CFA, Principal and Portfolio Manager This week the Conference…
Consumer Confidence Rises Sharply In April Read More
April 27, 2021
Hard Economic Data Suggests A Continued Strengthening Of The Economy
Author: David Templeton, CFA, Principal and Portfolio Manager Tuesday's release of the Chemical…
Hard Economic Data Suggests A Continued Strengthening Of The Economy Read More
April 23, 2021
Tax Increases Not Always A Headwind For Stocks.
Author: David Templeton, CFA, Principal & Portfolio Manager Earlier this week the equity…
Tax Increases Not Always A Headwind For Stocks. Read More
April 20, 2021
Six High Net Worth Planning Techniques to Increase Plan Flexibility in 2021
Estate planners across the country are attempting to read the tea leaves of the current political climate. While no one is quite certain what to expect, the…
Six High Net Worth Planning Techniques to Increase Plan Flexibility in 2021 Read More
April 19, 2021
It's a Great Jobs Report So Why Am I Worried
The Labor Department reported last Friday that job growth exploded in March at the fastest pace…
It's a Great Jobs Report So Why Am I Worried Read More
April 18, 2021
Income Equity Strategies Performing Well
Author: David Templeton, CFA, Principal & Portfolio Manager Earlier this month I wrote a…
Income Equity Strategies Performing Well Read More
April 16, 2021
Investor Letter Spring 2021
Sometimes it is said the stock market and the economy are not the same; however, the stock market…
Investor Letter Spring 2021 Read More
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