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June 26, 2021
Stock Buybacks In Vogue And Those Companies' Stocks Are Outperforming
As the economy has recovered from the pandemic induced recession, S&P 500 companies' as reported earnings hit a record $389.01 billion for the first quarter…
Stock Buybacks In Vogue And Those Companies' Stocks Are Outperforming Read More
June 20, 2021
Does Fed's Hawkish Posture Create A 'Buy The Dip' Moment?
The Fed's hawkish comments coming out of the FOMC meeting last week unsettled markets. The comments moved up the potential for the start of interest rate…
Does Fed's Hawkish Posture Create A 'Buy The Dip' Moment? Read More
June 19, 2021
Strong Consumer Demand But Too Little Inventory
Many states have reopened their economies and consumers have responded by increasing spending in an effort to satisfy pent-up demand. The sharp recovery in…
Strong Consumer Demand But Too Little Inventory Read More
June 12, 2021
Out of the House and Time to Travel
More states and countries are experiencing much reduced Covid-19 cases and are reopening their economies. The below chart shows the number of new Covid cases…
Out of the House and Time to Travel Read More
June 9, 2021
The Job Openings Rate Is Accelerating
This week the April Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) was released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Interestingly, the survey shows a record…
The Job Openings Rate Is Accelerating Read More
May 28, 2021
Cybersecurity & Retirement Plans
Imagine an employee with nearly $300,000 in your company’s 401(k) plan calling you with accusations that $245,000 has vanished—completely disappeared from…
Cybersecurity & Retirement Plans Read More
May 19, 2021
Unum Finds More Than Half of U.S. Workers Forgo Disability Insurance, Leave Income At Risk
More than half (55%) of U.S. workers don’t protect their income with disability insurance. Seven…
Unum Finds More Than Half of U.S. Workers Forgo Disability Insurance, Leave Income At Risk Read More
May 19, 2021
Reasons to Own Life Insurance in Every Decade of Your Life
With competing financial priorities throughout your lifetime, it could be easy to overlook life…
Reasons to Own Life Insurance in Every Decade of Your Life Read More
May 19, 2021
Hardly Anyone had Enough Disability Insurance When the Reality of a Pandemic Makes It More Important Than Ever
Until the coronavirus, no one considered disability a possible side effect of a virus or cold. But…
Hardly Anyone had Enough Disability Insurance When the Reality of a Pandemic Makes It More Important Than Ever Read More
May 19, 2021
Don't Make These Mistakes When Buying Life Insurance
If you were planning to buy a car or even a TV, you’d likely spend hours researching your options…
Don't Make These Mistakes When Buying Life Insurance Read More
May 19, 2021
The Pandemic is Reshaping Life Insurance for the Better
There aren’t a lot of ways the COVID-19 pandemic has made our lives more convenient. One small one:…
The Pandemic is Reshaping Life Insurance for the Better Read More
May 19, 2021
Smart Tactics for Millennials Flocking to Buy Life Insurance
Millennials applying for life insurance can skip medical exams, simplify the process and pay less…
Smart Tactics for Millennials Flocking to Buy Life Insurance Read More
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