
Businesses | Retirement Plan Consulting | Investment Oversight

By employing a qualitative and quantitative approach, HORAN Wealth's team assists your committee in monitoring and managing your plan’s investment portfolio. 
As a member of the Retirement Plan Advisory Group (RPAG), HORAN Wealth can apply a quantitative process to managing your portfolio. By coupling that information with qualified insights form our team of Certified Financial Analysts (CFAs), your plan committee will receive a more complete picture of plan performance with relevant and timely market commentary. 

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Let Our Experts Do the Work for You

Craft an Investment Policy Statement

An investment policy statement is your roadmap for fund selection and evaluation. Our team will assist in drafting, maintaining and updating your committee's IPS to guide you every step of the way.  

Receive Comprehensive Investment Reviews

A regular plan summary will assist your committee in understanding how your fund selection is performing.

Apply an Institutional Evaluation Process

As a member of Retirement Plan Advisory Group (RPAG), we deliver a ten-point qualitative and quantitative analysis of each fund in your lineup. 

Gain Qualified Market Insights

Our in-house team of CFAs provides relevant and topical insights into general economic trends so that you might get as broad a picture as possible into plan health and performance.

Related Services

Fiduciary Best Practices

We can help reduce your compliance concerns by collaborating with you to identify your greatest risks.

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Strategic Plan Design

Solidifying your business’ future starts with listening to your specific needs and building a plan to fit those goals, priorities and desired outcomes. 

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Strategic Plan Design Learn More
Employee Engagement

We educate your employees on the importance of retirement readiness and investing in the company’s plan regardless of age or income.

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