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August 13, 2021
2021 Finalist for Best Places to Work
For the fourth year in a row, HORAN has been nominated as a finalist by the Cincinnati Business…
2021 Finalist for Best Places to Work Read More
August 10, 2021
Companies In Need Of Employees
Today's NFIB Small Business Optimism Index for July is further evidence that unfilled jobs is impacting business conditions. The small business survey noted…
Companies In Need Of Employees Read More
August 9, 2021
Job Openings At A High
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a series high for job openings in June to 10.1 million positions. The job openings level is on top of the strong July…
Job Openings At A High Read More
August 1, 2021
Dogs Of The Dow Lose Ground To Market Since First Quarter
With the market's close this past Friday, July has come to an end and it has been four months since that last article. Through the first seven months of this…
Dogs Of The Dow Lose Ground To Market Since First Quarter Read More
July 31, 2021
A Stealth Equity Market Correction
Although the S&P 500 Index is only down .61% from its recent high, under the surface, a large number of stocks have seen significant drawdowns from their own…
A Stealth Equity Market Correction Read More
July 28, 2021
A Confident Consumer
The Conference Board's Tuesday report on consumer confidence suggests economic activity in this third quarter remains robust. The July consumer confidence…
A Confident Consumer Read More
July 26, 2021
Proposed Tax Reform: "Deemed Realization" Explained
Tax reform continues to be a moving target as we enter into the second half of 2021. Estate planners across the country are attempting to extrapolate likely…
Proposed Tax Reform: "Deemed Realization" Explained Read More
July 26, 2021
New Home Sales Lowest Since April 2020
The Census Bureaus report for June new home sales were reported at an annual rate of 676,000. This is the lowest level since April 2020 sales of 582,000…
New Home Sales Lowest Since April 2020 Read More
July 19, 2021
Turnaround Tuesday?
The S&P 500 Index closed down 1.59% on Monday and the Dow Jones Industrial Index was down 2.09%. At the low, and late in the trading session, the S&P 500 Index…
Turnaround Tuesday? Read More
July 17, 2021
Brick And Mortar Retail Not Dead Yet
This past week's advance report on retail sales for June shows sales increased at a .6% rate versus May and a 18% increase on a year over year basis. Total…
Brick And Mortar Retail Not Dead Yet Read More
July 16, 2021
Investor Letter Summer 2021
The first quarter of last year seems a distant memory, fading since the pandemic swoon. The equity markets continue to climb the proverbial “wall of worry.”…
Investor Letter Summer 2021 Read More
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