Retirement Meditation #43: Why is my retirement account balance $0?
Years ago, a local drug store hired my middle daughter into her first “real job” as a retail clerk. She loved the work and servicing the public. She was also…
The impact of inflation on consumer pocketbooks varies, but inflated energy and food costs are a negative for consumer discretionary spending. Well publicized…
In August of last year Congress passed the so-called Inflation Reduction Act and included within the Act is a 1% excise tax on the fair market value of stock…
Since October 13, 2022 the S&P 500 Index is up 11.80% on a price only basis. For the start of 2023 the S&P 500 Index is up 4.16% through January 13, 2023. The…
Winter 2022 Investor Letter: Closing The Book on 2022
“A Bear of a Market” and “Nowhere to Hide.” These were a few of the headings from our Investor Letters last year, so along with most investors we are happy to…
With the market's close on Friday investors happily say goodbye to 2022. One area within equites that outperformed the broader market was stocks that had…
Retirement Meditation #42: What are the most common retirement plan audit findings?
A manufacturer offering a generous safe harbor 401(k) match noticed that it was losing employee talent and candidates to the competition. A review of its total…
There are certain actions you can take each year to help you stay on track to reach your financial goals and keep yourself financially fit overall. Consider…
A few weeks ago I wrote an article covering the elevated level of the CBOE Equity Put/Call ratio and the fact it was in uncharted territory. At the time of…
Eyes are on the Fed again this week as the FOMC will announce their interest rate decision on Wednesday. Last month the Fed gave indications the magnitude of…