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February 26, 2023
Equity Market At Important Level Technically
The S&P 500 has fallen in each of the last three weeks, down just over -4%. This leaves the Index down -2.56% this month with just two trading days remaining…
Equity Market At Important Level Technically Read More
February 20, 2023
Retirement Meditation #43: Why is my retirement account balance $0?
Years ago, a local drug store hired my middle daughter into her first “real job” as a retail clerk. She loved the work and servicing the public. She was also…
Retirement Meditation #43: Why is my retirement account balance $0? Read More
February 8, 2023
Dan Beard Council Announces Terence L. Horan as The Good Scout Award Honoree of 2023
Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America is pleased to announce Mr. Terence L. Horan, President and…
Dan Beard Council Announces Terence L. Horan as The Good Scout Award Honoree of 2023 Read More
February 6, 2023
SECURE 2.0: The Impact on Retirement Plans
Author: Paul A. Carl, CHSA, CPFA®, Vice President, Retirement Plan Consulting, HORAN Wealth…
SECURE 2.0: The Impact on Retirement Plans Read More
February 5, 2023
A Resilient Consumer
The impact of inflation on consumer pocketbooks varies, but inflated energy and food costs are a negative for consumer discretionary spending. Well publicized…
A Resilient Consumer Read More
January 22, 2023
New Buyback Tax May Impact Stock Returns
In August of last year Congress passed the so-called Inflation Reduction Act and included within the Act is a 1% excise tax on the fair market value of stock…
New Buyback Tax May Impact Stock Returns Read More
January 14, 2023
Stock Market Triggering Bullish Technical Signals
Since October 13, 2022 the S&P 500 Index is up 11.80% on a price only basis. For the start of 2023 the S&P 500 Index is up 4.16% through January 13, 2023. The…
Stock Market Triggering Bullish Technical Signals Read More
January 13, 2023
Winter 2022 Investor Letter: Closing The Book on 2022
“A Bear of a Market” and “Nowhere to Hide.” These were a few of the headings from our Investor Letters last year, so along with most investors we are happy to…
Winter 2022 Investor Letter: Closing The Book on 2022 Read More
December 31, 2022
The Dow Stock Dogs Performed In 2022
With the market's close on Friday investors happily say goodbye to 2022. One area within equites that outperformed the broader market was stocks that had…
The Dow Stock Dogs Performed In 2022 Read More
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